Quadrafire: 5700 Step Top Wood Stove
The 5700 Step Top is a wood-burning powerhouse. It’s big on heating performance, and even bigger on efficiency. Automatic Combustion Control (ACC) burn technology offers precision heating control, and easily blends with the Quadrafire Four-Point Burn System. Embrace the 5700’s powerful, money-saving, efficient wood stove performance.
•Heat 1,400-3,700 sq ft with 72,100 BTUs*, based on climate and home efficiency
•Low emission levels of 1.8 grams per hour, certified by the EPA
•3.0 cu ft firebox capacity / recommended 22″ log length
•Up to 15 hours of burn time from each load of fuel†
•Easy start-up
•Also available in these sizes: 4300 Step Top
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